Potential controversy surrounds Concordia’s vice-rector of institutional relations, Marcel Danis, after his involvement in the defence of a high-ranking Hells Angels member charged with seven counts of murder became known.
Danis, also the university’s secretary-general who continues to do some criminal defence work on the side, made four court appearances as the temporary attorney for Hells Angels member Michel Rose until he was referred to Toronto lawyer Edward Greenspan.
Rector Frederick Lowy, who had been informed months ago that Danis would be helping out a former client, said he will look into the matter to see whether or not Danis’ actions hurt Concordia’s reputation.
Speaking to the Gazette, Danis said that his role in Rose’s defence was very minor and he doesn’t think it hurts the university’s reputation. He went on to say that he doesn’t believe he acted in a wrong way, but was merely helping a former client find a lawyer.
Danis, a former criminal lawyer, represented Rose in the late 1970s and was called upon last spring after the Hells Angels member and 100 others were arrested in an effort to rid the province of the gang’s drug-trafficking network. Danis told the Gazette that he believes everyone deserves a lawyer.
Chris Mota, co-ordinator of media relations for Concordia, said that Danis was representing Greenspan and not Rose, until Greenspan was able to take over the defence. Mota does not see how this will affect the university’s reputation in any way.
“We don’t know why the Gazette even ran the article. As far as we’re concerned, there is no controversy surrounding this issue.”
The Native Women’s Shelter of Montreal hosts a march for the National Day of Action for MMIWG2S+
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