Regardless of what year of university you are in, being connected and knowing how to be successful is important. A good place to go if you need any academic or personal help, have any questions or need to talk is the Student Success Centre (H481).
With its drop-in hours, the centre is always ready to help students survive academically by providing things such as assessment tools, psycho-education, and a connection to appropriate resources. Some of the services it offers are Smart Start sessions, a new program called programme for leadership and university success (PLUS) which is a student/peer mentor group, student success checkups, and workshop/writing assistance sign-ups.
Having been in existence for two years, the Student Success Centre is dedicated to helping students especially those who are in their first year. Since university can be very overwhelming for new students, knowing where to go for help ensures success and enjoyment for the university experience. Attending a few Smart Start sessions is a good way to start off your university career because one thing you are able to do is participate in a workshop on “First Semester Survival Tips.”
When asked why first year students are not likely to seek help, Elizabeth Sorochan, a student success assistant, says, “because they aren’t connected yet. I’m a last semester student and am connected and… know how to work the system.” Sorochan would strongly recommend giving the Student Success Centre a chance because it “fills in that drop-in need as opposed to making appointments and offers diverse resources. It’s a great connection. We really know how to get around the university.”
Ademola Sobanjo, a graduate student, is another student success assistant who urges students to take advantage of the Centre. “I think it’s always a good idea to have information, the right kind for that matter. So any student who wants to start out very well would be better off visiting the Student Success Centre,” he says.
“Moreover, it will be a good idea to drop by the (SSC) regularly just to update and see if there are new ideas or workshops for self improvement.” Sobanjo also works on the Student Success Centre’s website, and recommends it as another resource. “We have a page for online resources, where I try to put links to websites together for the benefit of students.”
In addition to this, you can take the Student Success Checkup, develop a plan for success at Concordia, meet your PLUS peer mentor, connect with other first year students, and discuss any questions you may have. Smart Start sessions are scheduled from Jan 10-25, and you can call the centre to sign up.
Another resource that new students can benefit from is the PLUS Student/Peer Mentor group. PLUS groups allow you to receive ongoing support from a trained peer mentor, develop effective strategies for academic success, team-building, and interpersonal skills, you will also get a chance to meet other new students. These groups enable you to get involved in campus life and your community. Students can enjoy special access to many of the services offered by Counselling and Development.
Some of the activities that focus on achieving academic success include time management, note-taking, preparing for exams, conducting library research, and stress management and relaxation techniques. Students who may find the groups especially helpful are those who want to enhance their learning strategies and/or develop good interpersonal skills, live away from home and family, or whose mother tongue is not English. To join a group, drop by the centre.
Any specific academic needs you may have can best be discerned by taking the Student Success Checkup. Lasting only 15 minutes, the checkup is thorough and allows for a complete inventory that will reveal your strengths and weaknesses in all areas that are important to success at Concordia.
The five specific areas it will help you find out how you rate in are choosing the right major, creating a realistic career plan, developing effective learning strategies, mastering lifestyle issues, and getting involved in student life. With your results, you will be directed to the most appropriate Counselling and Development resources, as well as Concordia resources.You will be able to get help in developing a personalized success plan to guide you throughout university.
While the Student Success Centre is connected with Counselling and Development, Sorochan says, “We’re more of an offshoot of them. Counselors and student success assistants put on workshops together. However, we’re drop-in and an open door kind of thing.” Since upper year students work in the Student Success Centre, they can better connect with and understand a student’s situation. “Psychologists and counsellors are beneficial, but we’ve got the inside because we’re living the experience.”
Having been involved at the Student Success Centre since September, Sorochan enjoys helping students. “The most satisfying thing is talking to other people and finding out what they’re doing and how they’re enjoying what they’re studying. There are so many different paths, so many different passions and interests.”
Sobanjo, who has also been working at the centre since the fall, takes equal pleasure in what he does. “I love meeting people,” he says. “I love to see that smile on students’ faces when we help them get what they need or console them when they are confused or stressed.”
If you are interested in signing up for a Smart Start session or a workshop/writing assistance, want to make use of the PLUS New Student/Peer Mentor groups or Student Success Checkups, need some information or just want to talk, you can drop by the Student Success Centre (H481), check out the website at or call 848-7369.