Engineers raise money

Members of the Concordia Engineering and Computer Science Association’s hockey team, the ECA Hounds, are proving they have more than just brawn and brains- they also have heart. The hockey team will face off against the CFCF-12 Hot Dogs this Friday at 7:30 p.

Members of the Concordia Engineering and Computer Science Association’s hockey team, the ECA Hounds, are proving they have more than just brawn and brains- they also have heart.
The hockey team will face off against the CFCF-12 Hot Dogs this Friday at 7:30 p.m. to raise funds for the Big Brothers and Big Sisters of the West Island and Centraide.
Concordia students, Sudeep Matthews, Nicolas Konczarek, Filippo Placentino and Bobak Beheshti, organized the event as a class project. The group is very please with the estimated turnout. “With tickets just $4, we’re expecting over 200 people of all ages,” Konczarek said. “That’ll mean close to $1,000 for two great charities.”
Both students and companies are coming together to make Friday night a success. “We have great sponsors lined up such as Play It Again Sports, Promax Sports and Smith Books,” Konczarek continued. “We’ll be giving away prizes, like hockey equipment and gift certificates.”
The four organizers were inspired by a previous charity event that Big Brothers and Big Sisters of the West Island held. “I was a big brother before,” said Sudeep Matthews, who, in addition to being a main organizer of the event, is a vice-president of ECA sports and captain of the ECA Hounds. “About two years ago the Big Brothers organized a similar fundraiser but they haven’t done it since, so I thought I’d try to put it together again.”
While this is the ECA Hounds’ first charity event, Matthews doubts it’ll be the last. “We actually have bigger plans for next year,” he said. The team hopes to make the fundraiser into a two-part event. The first part would consist of a hockey game against the CFCF-12 Hot Dogs. In the second part, they will attempt to break a 24 consecutive hour hockey-playing record.
Meanwhile, spokespersons for the Big Brothers and Big Sisters of the West Island and Centraide are delighted to hear that every penny raised at Friday’s event will be donated to their charities. Gloria Colter, of the Big Brothers and Big Sisters of the West Island, said the extra funds couldn’t have come at a better time. “We’re ecstatic to hear the news. The money will be used toward our elementary school mentoring program. We sure need the help.”
Sebastien TassŽ, campaign co-ordinator of Centraide, said he is extremely pleased to see Concordia working with the community. “I think it’s a very good idea. It’s a good image of solidarity.” At the moment TassŽ could not specify what the funds will be used for. “First, we analyze the demand and then decide where the money needs to go. I know it’ll go to the right place.”
“Concordia graciously donated the rink time to us,” Konczarek said. “We really appreciate their help.”
The game will be held at Concordia’s Ed Meagher Arena, 7200 Sherbrooke St. West. Tickets are $4 and will be available at the door.

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