One of the five referendum questions that will be on the ballot will ask students if the Link should get 19 cent per credit and get other faculties to pay for the Link.
Currently the Link receives 20 cents per credit from arts and science, fine arts and independent students, but nothing from engineering and computer science and students from the John Molson School of Business.
“Generally it’s not fair that people who read our paper don’t pay into it,” said Rene Biberstein, the Link’s editor-in-chief. “Because commerce, engineering and business students don’t fund the paper, they’re not supposed to hold positions or be able to vote at the Link. But with a funding change, so will that rule.
“They’ll be able to run for positions on the board of directors, they can vote in the director’s meetings and at the annual general assembly,” said Biberstein. “They’ve always participated. We’ve accepted them so far. Steve [Faguy] the webmaster is an [engineering and computer science] student. Technically those students are not supposed to be involved but we’re trying to make it more open.”
Aside from wanting to open its arms to the entire university, the Link wants the extra funding for economic purposes as well.
“The Link hasn’t had a change in funding for a long time,” said Biberstein. “Cost of things have risen a lot over time. The cost of putting the paper together, particularly the paper itself, the cost of buying newsprint has gone up. There’s also been the devaluation of the currency. The longer we leave it, the less funding we get as the cost of everything else goes up.”
The Concordian receives 7 cents per credit from the same three groups as the Link. The Link’s levy was originally higher because it was published twice weekly, but it’s been about 3 years since it has done so. Although it was printed more often, the issues were smaller than the weekly ones now.
The Link has much less advertising than the Concordian and also has a boycott policy where they refuse to accept ads from specific companies due to ethical reasons. The Concordian relies heavily on advertising space.
“It’s really important for students to fund campus media,” said Biberstien. “If Concordia students of all departments read the Link, then all students should fund the paper.”
Question on club funding
Students will also be asked whether non-academic clubs should get a 25 cent increase in funding.
The current fee levy is 40 cents per credit.
“It would enhance campus life,” said interim CSU President Patrice Blais. The levy will have to be supported by 50 per cent plus 1 in order for the change to be implemented.
Presently about 50 groups at Concordia are receiving minimal amounts of funding.
“These groups wanted to hold different events or parties,” said Blais, “but there just wasn’t the funding to support them.”
Know Your Rights: Rent increases
The HOJO launches clinics to educate students about rental increases.