CSU & Dean of Students exchange war of words over survey

The CSU has condemned a survey sent out by the dean of students in a tersely worded e-mail sent to students May 23. “We consider many of the questions to be leading, and we feel that it is inappropriate for the administration to be questioning students about their student union and political views in this manner,” read the e-mail written by then-CSU interim president Patrice Blais.

The CSU has condemned a survey sent out by the dean of students in a tersely worded e-mail sent to students May 23.
“We consider many of the questions to be leading, and we feel that it is
inappropriate for the administration to be questioning students about their student union and political views in this manner,” read the e-mail written by then-CSU interim president Patrice Blais.
The e-mail went on to question the confidentiality of the survey, pointing out that barcodes had been included on return envelopes. Although at the end of the survey the dean of students office requests students’ identification numbers in order to merge the information from the questionnaire with the respondents’ student records, the e-mail states that the barcodes render this a moot point.
“Even without your student number, the administration can merge your survey responses with your student data should they really want to do it,” wrote Blais.
When reached for comment, officials at the dean of students office reported that they had not received a copy of the e-mail. When informed of the contents of the e-mail, Assistant Dean of Students Roger C

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