Getting involved: Joining the club

As new students flood the halls of Concordia, many clubs and associations are eager to recruit members. These days, one can get lost in the many groups that are made available to students. Here are a select few, to show what Concordia has to offer newcomers.

As new students flood the halls of Concordia, many clubs and associations are eager to recruit members. These days, one can get lost in the many groups that are made available to students. Here are a select few, to show what Concordia has to offer newcomers.

CASA helps with transition

The Concordia Commerce and Administration Student Association (CASA) is an association geared towards Commerce and Administration students and is there for students to lean on when they need help.
“We offer conferences and mentorship sessions for the students, so that they can ask questions and find out more about their field of study,” says CASA President Peter Tragoulias.

“We want to ease the transition for newcomer students who are entering university.” Tragoulias himself is entering his last year in Finance and remembers how difficult starting university can be.
CASA starts off the year by offering new students a week of FROSH activities beginning Aug. 30 to Sept. 6. Events include a series of barbeques and orientation information throughout the week.

“We encourage students to ask questions and to get to know their fellow students,” he says.

ECA gears up for another FROSH

“When you are in an engineering or computer science program, you need as much help as you can get, and that is where the Engineering and Computer Science Association (ECA) comes in,” says the ECA’s VP External, Mike Klein.

Klein says the ECA represents all engineering and computer science students and works hard at making them comfortable. They kick off with a week of FROSH activities, starting on Aug. 30 and then from Sept. 3 to 6. Activities include orientation, a barbeque and a pub-crawl.

“We also have a lot of activities during the year including a career fair and a weekly event on Fridays at Reggie’s called ‘Lizard Lounge’,” he says. This is where ECA students get together to hang out and relax.

“Students are always welcome to drop by the office and ask questions about their program. We are there to help.”

Snowboard Club

The Concordia Snowboard Club (CSC) is all about fun for Concordia students.

“It is free to join and the more people that go, the cheaper each ski trip will get,” explains Raelynn Pluecks, the CSC president. “We try to make at least seven trips a year. This allows members to get a taste of the different hills that are out there.”

Pluecks says that the CSC’s main objective is to show students what hills are in Quebec and the US for skiers and snowboarders.

“We try to go to two new hills each year, so that people can test them out.” Each trip costs between $20 and $50. This includes the bus ride to the mountain and the lift ticket.

“We try to go at times that are convenient for most people, we usually get a good crowd on each trip,” she says.

Sorority is not Hollywood

The Deltal Phi Epsilon soroity doesn’t want girls to get scared away by what Hollywood has made sororities out to be.

“We don’t make you drink yourself stupid. We are an academic sorority,” says Cara Braude, a member of the sorority’s alumni.

“This means that we concentrate on school and on helping each other out.”
Braude says that the sorority also has many social events during the year, including parties, potluck dinners and mixers, where the sorority does something with a fraternity or another sorority.

“There is no discrimination in the sorority. If you are enthusiastic and want to join, we won’t stop you,” says the recent Communications graduate.

In addition to having fun, DPE does fund-raising for charities like cystic fibrosis. Rushing starts at the beginning of the semester and involves information nights and parties.

Frat Boys

“One of Tau Kappa Epsilon’s main goals is to help the brothers manage their time. Everyone needs to know how to schedule their time so that they can do their homework and go out partying,” says TKE President Robert Kiricsi.

The fraternity has several events during the year, including an upcoming party at Extreme nightclub on Sept. 13. There are also dinners, mixers and fundraisers. Rushing is during the first three weeks of school.

Kiricsi says that fraternities have been getting a bad reputation because of houses in the U.S., which take rushing a bit too far.
“You just need to prove that you want to be a part of the house, we are not going to make you eat live goldfish or anything,” laughs Kiricsi, who is entering his second year in economics.

Overall he says, being a part of a fraternity is great, you learn life skills, social skills, and you make new friends.

Its office is in the GM Building, room 211-7 and 218-7. Tel: 848-7464.

It is located in the Hall Building, room H-880-10. Tel: 848-7408.

Concordia Snowboarding Club:
More info. is available at: or by email: [email protected].

Delta Phi Epsilon:
Email: [email protected]: To join, call 409-2040.

Tau Kappa Epsilon:
Email the Rush Chairman Brent Gerchicoff at [email protected] or visit Tel: 409-2122.

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