Christina Xydous, the co-coordinatorfor Concordia’s Off-Campus Housing Bank, makes no bones about the housing crisis facing over 300 Concordia students.
“The term housing crisis should not be misunderstood as an actual lack of housing,” she said. “What this really means is that there is a lack of affordable housing.”
This August, over 300 out-of province and international students have visited the Off-Campus Housing Bank in the Mezzanine looking for housing, not including students visiting the Web site.
“If these students cannot find suitable housing then they will have no other choice but to return home,” shrugged Xydous, who is burning both ends of the candle to meet the needs of students. “The mood among house-seeking students is dismal and many have stated that there is no alternative but to return home.”
Montreal made nationwide news this past June when over 500 families were left stranded on the street because of a housing shortage.
According to le Front d’Action Populaire en R