A political science student is determined to improve the display for the victims of the 1992 Valery Fabrikant shootings.
Memorial placards used to hang in the tunnel between the Hall Building and Library Building at the downtown campus as part of a timeline in the history of Concordia. Displayed on deteriorating posters, they served to explain the tragic event. Recently, however, the entire timeline has been removed.
Wendy Heitmann, a second year student, complained to the administration about the poor conditions of these memorial placards. “[There should be] framed portraits of these men [the engineering murder victims], or a plaque with their portraits should be placed next to the memorial tables in the Hall building lobby,” said Heitmann in an E-mail.
According to Heitmann, despite the pretty marble tables that are in the lobby of the Hall Building, this is not enough since the explanatory plaque next to them blends into the wall. “They have no clue,” said Heitmann, about students not knowing the purpose of the tables.
On Aug. 24 1992, the victims in question were civil engineering Professor Matthew Douglass, chemistry Professor Michael Hogben and mechanical engineering Professor Jaan Saber, who died after mechanical engineering professor Valery Fabrikant opened fire on the ninth floor of the Hall Building. Phiovos Ziogas, the electrical and computer engineering chair, was also wounded and later died on Sept. 23, 1992.
“I guess what got me really interested in this was the ten year anniversary that was in August [2002],” said Heitmann. She added the administration would not be having a candle vigil, a moment of silent or a memorial service.
“We’ve moved on,” said Chris Mota, a Concordia public relations officer, in response.
“Can you imagine the outcry there would have been if the admin at
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