It’s like that and that’s the way it is

For DJ Static and CheebaCheebaKid, selling out is not an option. Music to them is sacred and should never be compromised in the face of a wad of cash. The two djs share a deeply rooted devotion to the music they live for; they just want to give the gift of funk and hip-hop for all to love, or at least to appreciate.

For DJ Static and CheebaCheebaKid, selling out is not an option.

Music to them is sacred and should never be compromised in the face of a wad of cash. The two djs share a deeply rooted devotion to the music they live for; they just want to give the gift of funk and hip-hop for all to love, or at least to appreciate.

CheebaCheebaKid credits dedicated aficionados – like local break crews and DJ’s travelling across the continent for battles – for Montreal’s solid funk and hip-hop scene, who also paved the way for the humble beginnings of Rockdeep, when the Solid State B-Girl Crew collaborated with Static, himself, and the rest of Rockdeep’s crew. “Right from the start it was apparent we weren’t gonna make any money at this, but it’s about love for the music,” he says.

Compared to other genres of music, funk does not garner much attention in terms of the billboard charts. On being a DJ, Static says, “Nah! It ain’t all nice. A close friend of mine finally quit a series of very lucrative gigs because he couldn’t stand playing the commercial shit he was told to play first. Musical integrity must come first.”

CheebaCheebaKid tells it like it is: “We have to pay for turntables, a mixer, headphones, cartridges, needles and most importantly vinyl. Many nights each of us don’t even walk out with enough to cover cab fare there and back,” he explains. “People are rarely willing to shell out to see a non-superstar DJ and since supply in the last five years has outweighed demand, kids who just started will play for a couple of beers and $20, so now most people think that’s what the going rate should be.”

What appears to be drawbacks to digging the groove doesn’t deter the crusaders of dope beats. Static remains optimistic. “There’s a lot of talent out there and there’s minimal attitude [and] pretension. Everyone’s just out to have a good time.

CheebaCheebaKid agrees. “The peeps who come are all for real, nothing but smiles, no drama or tension. That’s what it’s all about and it’s a middle finger flipped at the present music industry.”

Now don’t you wanna get funky?

Catch DJ Static and CheebaCheebaKid Tuesdays at Saphir Club.

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