Breaking beats on a poetically charged note

Like most musical genres, hip hop can be traced to a time where the passion of its music presided over the profit and everything was shiny and new. Now in the era of “bling-bling”, some look fondly upon those days of spinning and Adidas and wonder where the thrill has gone.

Those who have their ears to the underground however, know that inspiration can still be found in the beats and rhymes of artists like Saul Williams. Known in the community as a diamond in the rough poet/hip hop musician as well as a social activist, his status may be migrating above ground with his first album, Amethyst Rock Star, which has been signed with none other than famed Beastie Boys record producer Rick Rubin. According to a review on Rock Star does not disappoint, showing Williams’ lyrical gifts wrapped in punk/hip hop and soul, with a social charge, and featuring one song with activist former Rage Against the Machine front man Zach De La Rocha.

First emerging as an up-and-coming scribe at the famed spoken word mic sessions at Brooklyn Moon Caf

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