fashion 101

I am sad to say this is my final column because I loved writing every single one. I truly believe that everyone has the potential to look good. The problem is that many people don’t bother to make an effort. So for my last column I will advise you on what kind of clothing items to look for and I will make a short list of shops to visit in the city.

I am sad to say this is my final column because I loved writing every single one. I truly believe that everyone has the potential to look good. The problem is that many people don’t bother to make an effort. So for my last column I will advise you on what kind of clothing items to look for and I will make a short list of shops to visit in the city.

When shopping try to avoid the really trendy items like uggs and those awful bear-like boots. There is nothing flattering about them. What ever happened to just wearing simple black or brown leather footwear? And for the love of Prada, why must people take their fashion inspiration from celebrities in music videos? What those artists are wearing is just for the screen, not for school!

The best way to insure looking your best is by sticking to the classics. So invest in a few timeless items like turtlenecks, sweaters, skirts and pants in natural materials. If it feels cheap, it won’t look good against your body. Merino wool, viscose, rayonne and tencel are all great fabrics to look for. Another important rule to remember is to make sure you buy clothes that fit. I cannot stress that enough. Please keep these things in mind when you decide to go shopping.

Where to shop

Club Monaco (Men & Women)

Practically all my clothes come from here. Sure it’s a little pricy, but they’re excellent quality clothes that almost never go out of style; they’re classics.

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