From the grungy garages of Boston to the 2004 Hollywood set of Eurotrip, Lustra is crashing the Montreal music scene as they make their way to Hard Rock Cafe this Friday headlining for local bands Mackenzie 1st, The Annual and Break the Cycle.
With “Scotty Doesn’t Know”, a song about a guy banging his best friend’s girl, fans everywhere continue to nod their heads to the infectious beats of these four pop-rockers, even two years after the song was released.
But who will be responsible for your Saturday morning hangover? None other than the A.D.D driven front man of Mackenzie 1st, Dave Black. He’s also the brains behind Montreal Wave, our city’s newest promotion company.
“The disadvantage in the Montreal music scene is that there’s a lot of talent, but not enough exposure” said Dave. After returning back home from a gig in Toronto, where there wasn’t a single street pole or billboard in town left un-plastered by homegrown music adds and flashy show promos, he couldn’t help but notice the lack of advertisement for local bands in the Montreal area.
“My goal was to create a promotions company that would link together the hidden talent in our city and put on kick-ass shows!”
That’s when local bands The Annual and Break the Cycle decided to ride the wave on their upcoming show.
“Hard rock meets mainstream with a twist of classical and shake of metal” is what to expect from Break the Cycle, said bassist and co-producer, Matt Riggs. There latest success was winning first place at Supernova’s Battle of the Bands. Don’t be surprised to spot him in the halls of the Loyola Campus, as he’s currently enrolled and studying music at Concordia.
Another Concordia talent is The Annual’s bassist, Thierry Martineau, who with the other members of his band will also be performing at Hard Rock. For the past two years, they’ve been making their mark the Montreal music scene with their original m