Getting Fit: Training Basics
This issue is about training basics; with all the things you need to know when you first walk into a gym. For many people who join a gym for the first time, the experience can be very intimidating to say the least. When I first walked into the gym, it was a mix of excitement and intimidation, but lucky for me I had people to show me the ropes and integrate easily into the world of weight training.
The first thing that all amateur weight lifters should know is how their muscles work. Your muscles are made of thousands of little fibers that when used, like when lifting a dumb bell, contract. Microscopic tears will then appear on them. Then when the muscles get at least 48 hours of rest, the tears heal and the muscles grow.
Another thing you have to remember is that if you’re trying to lose weight then just lifting the weights isn’t going to do it.
To really lose those extra pounds you have to participate in cardiovascular exercises. This refers to activities that work your heart (which is the most important muscle of all) and raises your heart rate. These activities could be running, biking, swimming or any other kind of sport where you raise your heart rate. It is recommended by the Public Health Agency of Canada that people get at least 20 minutes of cardio exercise three times per week.
With weight training the rule of thumb is to work about two to three muscle groups every training day, one pushing muscle group and one pulling muscle group.
For example on my first day of my training regiment I work my chest muscles, which are a pushing exercise. Then I would work out my bicep muscles, which are a pulling exercise. If you make a four-day regiment, like I did, and work two muscle groups every day, you will be able to work every basic muscle in your body every week. This type of routine will allow your body to recuperate, and develop your muscles as you see fit.
For my next issue I will be going over each training day step by step and laying out every exercise and how the exercise works your body.