Danny Michel Needs No Introduction

Make a list of Danny Michel’s musical accomplishments to date and that list will read like a wild dream trapped in ink. Make a list of names of musicians that he has collaborated with and that register will read like the beginning of a guest list to the party of the century.

Make a list of Danny Michel’s musical accomplishments to date and that list will read like a wild dream trapped in ink. Make a list of names of musicians that he has collaborated with and that register will read like the beginning of a guest list to the party of the century. This singer-songwriter, guitarist, solo recording artist and producer doesn’t require an introduction.

Danny, you’re more than a solo, self producing artist. You collaborate and produce many other artists. What fueled you to take this direction?

Making music for me is important. The business blows. I want nothing to do with it. I just want to make music like I did when I was 20 again, for no purpose but fun. Producing is the greatest. I love it. Helping someone create they’re dream; an album and seeing them love it is a pretty special thing. I’m lucky to be able to share in that joy; kind of like delivering a baby.

How did it feel mixing tracks for David Bowie’s guitarist Earl Slick?

Strange. When I put all the tracks up and soloed his voice, I sat in my studio with my jaw in my lap. Hair stood up on the back of my neck. It was the most fun I’d ever had mixing something.

Speaking of Earl Slick, David Bowie’s official website promoted your U.K. tour last year. How did that come about?

I made a cover album of all Bowie tunes. He heard it and liked it, I assume, because his web people asked for a bunch of copies for contest prizes. It was pretty cool. They advertised my whole tour for me too!

What was touring the U.K. like? It must be different than touring across Canada.

The U.K. was so cool. I was so into the castles. Everything is so old and made with care. Canada is beautiful to tour across, but we have no real architecture. It’s so sad to see every town becoming that big box suburbia crap.

Mentioning your tour, I’ve heard rumours about a “Victoria, B.C. Curse”!

Every time I go to Victoria, and I mean every time, something bad happens. Gear stolen, car windows smashed (three times), crazy drunk people running on stage, streakers, people on the street trying to pick fights, some guy kicking in my hotel door (wrong room). Once Andy Stochansky and I got invited to a party that turned out to be some satanic house-wrecking orgy or something! It’s a really weird place. Very pretty and most of the people are great, but I feel safer in New York City at 4 a.m. then I do there!

The Juno Awards coming up in April, how did it feel being nominated for a Juno for Best New Artist in 2005?

Best “New” Artist? After having released five CDs? You tell me! Everyone was like “what the.!” Then I lost to Michael Bubl

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