“I need to be working with these groups [Sustainable Concordia].That is a broader part of our platform, [the fact that] we realize we’re nine people and the only way to help 30,000 students is by getting their feedback.”
VP Sustainability Seema Shah said she would spend more time involved with Sustainable Concordia as a member of the CSU. She wants a close relationship with the group and pledged to promote their organizations while taking advantage of their expertise.
“Everybody should have a chance to find [an internship] that they feel passionate about. That should be an opportunity for every one, and right now it’s not.”
One of the main priorities of GO Concordia would be to look for more companies willing to accept students for internship programs.
Tessa Star, VP Academic and Advocacy, said the Arts and Science department does not offer enough internships for its size. She would increase the number of internships by 200 per cent, a rate which she thinks is feasible. She is also concerned about the lack of support for international students.
“When they come here they don’t have proper reading and writings skills in English.” She wants to make sure they are given a chance to succeed in our school by educating them on plagiarism and planning peer support through special lectures.
VP Finance Shawn Prodgers said the CSU website should promote social events and have financial information available. He said he would account for all funds spent by the CSU so students would know exactly where their money is going. He would also record any gifts that executives may receive from the administration to ensure accountability with regard to their working relationships with other parties.
VP Clubs and Spaces Nairra Tariq said her slate would introduce general assemblies at least twice a year which would be open forums for students to voice their concerns, make suggestions and speak with executives directly. If elected, Go Concordia says that direct input and feedback from the student body would be an integral part of their operations.
Loyola visibility
“Currently, there is no space for students to have any form of culture there. So the first thing to do is to make the assessment and come up with a plan.”
Tariq plans to pick up where this year’s CSU left off with the Hive; to immediately spend the $300,000 granted by the administration for renovation.
She proposed bringing the People’s Potato services to Loyola so that students don’t have to go downtown for a free meal. She also wants to replicate an equivalent of the Hall Building’s Mezzanine on the Loyola campus, for student clubs to advertise.
President: Mina Etezadi
VP Campaigns and Loyola:
Jean-Fred No