Letters to the editor:

Thanks From The CSU

Dear Concordia students,
The Concordia Student Union would like to thank every one of you for making Orientation 2007 the most successful to date.
Orientation has become one of Concordia’s strongest traditions and this year it was made possible by collaboration between the CSU, ASFA, CASA, ECA, FASA and the support of many sponsors. Over the past two weeks tens of thousands of you came and watched great comedians, enjoyed daily barbeques, listened to some fantastic bands and created an amazing start to this year. Concordia University is far more than a place where people come to study. We are a vibrant community and it is events like Orientation that show us not only the incredible diversity present at our school but how we are able to unite in order to create a positive atmosphere for everyone. The CSU is your union and we are here to make Concordia work for you. This year we will be fighting hard to defend your rights to the university, providing important services and throwing great events. Thanks again for making Orientation 2007 a great success and for making Concordia what it is. We are looking forward to a great year.
-CSU Executive

Apparently complaining about your job CAN get you fired

I, like most students, am waiting for the fallout of Chartwell’s and I think it has finally arrived.
Most people don’t like their jobs and being in retail and foodservice does leave a lot to be desired.
Stephanie made no secret about the fact that she was fed up and looking for a new job.
As much as we all wanted her to stay for our own selfish reasons, she of course had the right to move on to hopefully bigger and better things. Her blog beat her to the punch as she was terminated from her job at Chartwell’s on Friday afternoon.
Their reason: her blog posting was against their morals and principles set forth by the company and although her boss told her she was free to express herself in any way that she saw fit, that apparently is a load of total BS.
First year students can’t appreciate CJ Caf

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