Films with a Purpose

Something very important is taking over H-110 weekly: Cinema Politica. Their mission: to promote, disseminate, exhibit and promote the discussion of political cinema by independent artists, with an emphasis on Canadian works. A non-profit group, Cinema Politica wants you to keep informed.

Something very important is taking over H-110 weekly: Cinema Politica. Their mission: to promote, disseminate, exhibit and promote the discussion of political cinema by independent artists, with an emphasis on Canadian works.
A non-profit group, Cinema Politica wants you to keep informed.
The films they screen come from all corners and walks of life. One thing all the films commit to is politically charged cinema – riveting portraits of actual events meant to inform and inspire.
The importance? In Canada only 4.4% of all films screened are Canadian. Most films screened are out of Hollywood, few are informative, and the one’s that are remain ‘business friendly’.
“Al Gore makes people feel good for being informed”, sounds activist Ezra Winton, the programming co-coordinator at

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