From Ubisoft to Bubbles: Concordia student breaks into film

The lights went out and the whispering stopped. It was the night Jason Dozois had been waiting for. Last Saturday night, the Concordia Fine Arts Graduate and aspiring film director previewed his first film, “The Bubble Prize”, a comedy of life’s quirkiness and human relationships with alternate endings.

The lights went out and the whispering stopped. It was the night Jason Dozois had been waiting for. Last Saturday night, the Concordia Fine Arts Graduate and aspiring film director previewed his first film, “The Bubble Prize”, a comedy of life’s quirkiness and human relationships with alternate endings.
Laughter soon erupted from the audience as the main character Jack, a writer and recent divorced, tries to get back on his own two feet. From one crazy character to another, Jack finds love in unexpected places and people who happen to make their way into his life.
Dozois plays Jack and is also the writer, director and producer of the 90-minute film. Although he has some 40 other projects on the go, one of which remains top secret, he considers The Bubble Prize to be the largest project he has yet undertaken.
As the movie continues, a complicated relationship with a waitress forces Jack to face the question, ‘Do you want to win or do you want to be right?’ – a recurring theme that his boss faithfully reminds him of time and time again.
The Bubble Prize is complete with animation, acting and graphics. Although Jason graduated with a degree in music, he managed to acquire much of the expertise of friends who worked in the cartoon and film industry.
He’s also the Lead World Designer for Ubisoft, a major electronic games company located in Montreal.It took over two years for the film to be completed, but overall, he says he was happy with the response from the supportive audience.
“The point was to make mistakes and to learn. I wanted to get feedback from people I trusted.” When it comes to the future, Dozois wants to be able to pursue film long-term. “I don’t want to leave Montreal. I enjoy what I do for a living and I want to get better at it.”

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