Interviewing the highest profile celebrities, co-hosting Décompte MusiquePlus and reporting on music news for shows like InfoPlus, VJ Chéli Sauvé- Castonguay has come across countless music videos. The accomplished VJ delved into the MusiquePlus video repertoire to countdown her top five sexy videos that she loves to love.
5. Robbie Williams, “Feel”
I don’t think Robbie Williams is hot, but this video is. And with an appearance by Daryl Hannah, can’t go wrong!
4. Justin Timberlake, “Sexy Back”
I love Justin Timberlake. He’s my husband. I don’t care, I’ll say it. He’s my husband! “Sexy Back” come in fourth just because this video is hot. It’s very sexy! Though this position should go to Michael Jackson’s “You Are Not Alone”. (Laughs) Just kidding! Ah! Imagine! (Laughs)
3. The Darkness, “I Believe in a Thing Called Love”
“I Believe in a Thing Called Love” is hilarious. It reminds me that romance doesn’t have to be mushy mush. Love should be funny. You should have fun with the person you’re with. I’ve had a lot of fun with this song.
2. Amy Winehouse, “Back to Black”
I recommend the DVD. Her father is interviewed on the DVD and he explains how the album Back to Black was inspired by Winehouse’s separation with her now husband. She basically went thought this crazy depression when he decided to break things off and this led her to write the album. The album Back to Black will forever be one of the best albums ever. There is not one song that’s awful. If you listen to her lyrics or watch the DVD you see that when she sings these songs tears flow from her eyes. I love the song “Back to Black”. Oh, the lyrics. I just love everything about the song.
1. Chris Isaak, “Wicked Game”
My number would have to be Chris Isaak’s “Wicked Game”. I know, I’m quétaine. To my dismay Paris Hilton’s “Stars are Blind” resembles it. When I saw Hilton’s video I screamed, “No! No! You’re ruining it!” Isaak’s video is a very intimate, very sensual black and white video. There’s two beautiful people, the beach and the waves, it’s a perfect recipe for a hot make out (and plus plus) video.