Quick Listen

Considering pop punk is something I personally grew out of when Blink 182’s Enema of the State hit the charts, Montreal’s The Mission District isn’t all that bad. Their debut full length, Youth Games, is one of those albums that grows on you the more you listen to it.

Considering pop punk is something I personally grew out of when Blink 182’s Enema of the State hit the charts, Montreal’s The Mission District isn’t all that bad. Their debut full length, Youth Games, is one of those albums that grows on you the more you listen to it.
They’ve already found a strong following across the border with the help of Perez Hilton who posted his admiration for the band on his blog.
The Mission District’s lyrics and talents don’t particularly stand out here, but it doesn’t merit any bashing either.
Production on the album is way too sleek, it is as if someone dropped the recordings in latex and pronounced them, “Fini!” But if you are looking for some fun pop punk with sing-along potential, this is it. Maybe I will like it more when I can sing my heart out with the windows open. But for now, it’s winter and I want louder guitars to go with the loud snow ploughs that still keep me up at night.

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