
Reduce the fees! The fees have been increasing constantly. Decrease the fees! For the last couple of years the fees have been increasing and we’re not getting anything in return.” Ahmed Alababidi, Mechanical Engineering Major We lost the space here,” Albahty said signalling to the mezzanine behind her.

Reduce the fees! The fees have been increasing constantly. Decrease the fees! For the last couple of years the fees have been increasing and we’re not getting anything in return.”

Ahmed Alababidi,
Mechanical Engineering Major

We lost the space here,” Albahty said signalling to the mezzanine behind her. “And many other student groups lost their space too. We’d like to have a place for exhibitions. Now people are only sitting around. It’s cool, but if clubs want to promote themselves there is nothing they can do besides postering. I’d like the CSU to do something about this.

Shahd Albahty, member of SPHR

I hate the late fee payment! It’s crazy! I know you get a lot of warning, but that’s a lot of money for one day. It used to be like 10 cents day. It’s now $75 dollars. That’s really excessive.

Jill Taub Sociology Major

The CSU should try to freeze the international student fee. Everything is getting more and more expensive. The standard of living is rapidly increasing in Canada-even food is getting more expensive. The CSU should help us by freezing the tuition fee.”

Jimmy Zhu, Computer Science Major

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