“Gone but not forgotten,” is what we always find ourselves saying when giving our condolences to a friend or family member loses a loved one.
When I called my mom in Toronto on Feb. 19 to tell her one of my favourite bands from my teenage years had broken up, she said, “That’s too bad honey, but there are lots of other good bands out there.”
Now mom, I know there are a TON of other good bands out there, but it is really important to recognize the fantastic bands that are no more. This year alone we have lost many due to bad break-ups.
If we are lucky, there is one final hurrah, a farewell tour for the fans that have been there throughout the years. Modern Life is War, who broke up in February, was one of those bands that were nice enough to grant us a formal goodbye. I was lucky enough to see them on my birthday this year in October, so when the farewell tour was announced to take place only in the United States, I got over it pretty fast.
On the other hand, Toronto’s The Dead Letter Department has moved on to bigger and better things. Interpretation: they are breaking-up because they have realized that they are not going to cut it as rock stars, and now university doesn’t seem like such a bad option.
Almost less than a month apart, Spitalfield on Sept. 10 and Hot Rod Circuit on Oct. 8., called it quits. Both bands emerged from Emo wave’s beginning and decided to leave the scene to make room for other bands like Fall Out Boy and Panic! At The Disco. I’ll remember them as two guilty pleasures beyond belief.
I just think it’s important that we recognize these bands as being good at what they did. Maybe they didn’t sell out the Bell Centre, but they were someone’s favorite band, and that deserves some recognition.
Special Mention: The HeatSkores and Hopesfall.
R.I.P. good music. You had your time and you will be missed.