What is it about entering and/or exiting an enclosed space that seems to boggle the minds of Montrealers?
How many times have you gotten manhandled trying to work your way out of a bus or a metro, when you were merely trying to get off at your stop?
How about when you see a feeble old woman getting knocked over by a massive influx of people rushing into the metro when all she wants to do is get the heck out?
How many times have you been that patient person waiting by the metro’s door to kindly let the people already in the metro exit before you fight your way to a seat, only to find you’re getting royally screwed by those impatient imbeciles who work their way against the crowd to get in before everyone has had the chance to exit? It friggin sucks, right?
Who gives a shit if that poor lil ole’ lady gets trampled in the process? She ain’t my grandma. Why is she still taking public transportation at age 90 anyway?!
But the fact still stands that you aren’t going anywhere if you can’t get in because your impatient butt won’t let other people get out first.
It isn’t rocket science folks. Think about it this way: when a bathtub is full to the top, and someone dumps a bucket of water on top, what happens? The water pores over and floods your damn bathroom, right?
When an area with limited space is full, that means that no one else can get in! In order to get your spot, you must first allow the people who are already in the space to leave it. Then, and only then, can you charge in to get where you need to go.
While we are on the subject of how to handle one’s self in a public enclosed space, let’s ponder this one for awhile: why is it that people feel that their backpack/bag/umbrella/laptop/any other inanimate object that could easily fit on one’s lap is entitled to a seat of its own, when there are humans stuck standing? If you see that someone needs a seat, move your crap!
If you see someone that is clearly more tired than you are, you fully able-bodied 20-something year-old, why is it so hard to just give up your darn seat? I mean really, more often than not there is someone more exhausted, more overworked, and more deserving of that seat than you are. It’s not an ego-thing; it’s a common decency thing.
Valentine’s Day doesn’t suck, you’re just doing it wrong
In defence of the hated holiday.