Metrostation’s Ipod Picks

Metrostation Thank you Hannah Montana, no really. The Emmy-nominated series is responsible for ultimately forming synth pop band Metro Station. Guitarists/vocalists Mason Musso and Trace Cyrus met on the set of the Disney series starring their siblings Mitchel Musso and Miley Cyrus.


Thank you Hannah Montana, no really. The Emmy-nominated series is responsible for ultimately forming synth pop band Metro Station.
Guitarists/vocalists Mason Musso and Trace Cyrus met on the set of the Disney series starring their siblings Mitchel Musso and Miley Cyrus.
“We actually met through our moms! They set us up on a ‘play date’ and that’s been the best date I have ever been on!” Musso laughed.
Metro Station scored a few more unforgettable dates since their debut. The Los Angeles-based quartet toured with chart toppers Good Charlotte and Simple Plan as their third single “Shake It” reaches the Billboard Top 10.
“I love Simple Plan and bands like MGMT and The Killers,” Musso said. “But music is like anything else, like a city, or a country. If it’s old it has history and I just love classics.”
Mason Musso shares the oldies that dominate his iPod.

1. “Just Like Heaven”
The Cure

2. “Bizarre Love Triangle”
New Order

3. “Dangling Conversation”
Simon and Garfunkel

4. “Too Shy”

5. “Policy of Truth”
Depeche Mode


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