Album Review: Lesley Pike

Tampon music. Electro-pop sensation Dragonette’s Dan Kurtz said it best when he described the female-folk genre. “I can just see a powerful, but extremely feminine woman straddling the whitest of horses wearing immaculate white pants.” Though Kurtz was painting the picture of a Tampax advertisement to specifically describe Dragonette frontwoman Martina Sorbara’s former music career, he nailed this field entirely.

Tampon music. Electro-pop sensation Dragonette’s Dan Kurtz said it best when he described the female-folk genre. “I can just see a powerful, but extremely feminine woman straddling the whitest of horses wearing immaculate white pants.”
Though Kurtz was painting the picture of a Tampax advertisement to specifically describe Dragonette frontwoman Martina Sorbara’s former music career, he nailed this field entirely. Cue Lesley Pike’s sophomore release Blink.

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