Oh, high school dances.
Remember the rows of wallflowers against either side of the gym, boys to one, girls to the other? Everyone distractedly sipping fruit punch made from powdered mix, the scent of hairspray and B.O. heavy in the air?
But when the right person asked you to dance, the world melted away and you hardly noticed the clammy hands.
That’s the feeling local artists Sherwin Tjia and Amber Goodwyn want you to re-experience during Slowdance Night.
Inaugurated last December at Cagibi, Slowdance Night came naturally to Tjia.
“I never liked going to a club, and dancing by yourself or dancing in a group and flailing your arms,” he said over the phone. “I didn’t dance very much in high school, but I was always touched by the few times I slow danced with people.”
Last year, Tjia approached Goodwyn with his idea while they are in transit to a zine convention.
At first, people are always reluctant to dance. To counteract this, Tjia and Goodwyn attempt to set up a safe environment.
“We have designated dancers who wear gold sashes,” said Tjia. “A designated dancer is a safe person to ask to dance, and that’s a great way to break the ice. We also have rules of engagement: if you ask someone to dance, they can say no without having to explain why.”
The crowd at Slowdance Night is diverse, with ages ranging from 18 to the mid-30’s. The event is advertised mainly through Facebook and the Mirror. When asked if some attendees take an ironic approach, Tjia was unfazed.
“The thing is, when you’re slow dancing with someone, it’s hard to be ironic,” he said. “When you’re fucking someone, you don’t go ‘Ha ha, I’m fucking you!’ I admit some of the songs are cheesy, but the sentiment behind them is genuine. They can be so beautiful in a non-ironic way.”
When it comes to clothes, people aren’t pressured to dress up. However, those who do tend to get asked to dance more.
Dress isn’t always fractured along gender lines. Interestingly, there is a considerable “queer component” to the dances. If someone identifies as a man but wants to dress like a woman, he is encouraged to do so, and vice-versa.
Some use Slowdance Night as a form of speed dating. If the conversation turns sour, singles can take comfort in the “date” lasting only as long as a pop song.
“Slowdance Night is a safe way to touch someone,” added Tjia. “That term is heavily loaded with sexuality and perversion. It’s nice to have a safe place where you can touch people and have it not mean something so heavy.”
But most importantly, Slowdance Night is out to make you feel warm. So brush up your shuffle and cozy up to a stranger near you this coming Friday – who knows what might happen?
The Halloween edition of Slowdance Night takes place at 10 p.m. on Oct. 17 at La Sala Rossa (4848 Saint-Laurent).