Dear editor,
I was dismayed to hear that ASFA Council voted Thursday to uphold a motion that excluded Audrey Peek, ASFA’s president, from running for a position on the Sustainability Action Fund’s board of directors. This motion flagrantly violated the spirit of democracy and impartiality that ASFA usually represents.
I am unimpressed by the way this issue was handled by council members and the student media. Articles which appeared in past issues of The Concordian question Peek’s history with the SAF, without once providing concrete evidence of her supposed attempts to block the Fund’s activities. These campaigns amount to little more than an attempt to smear the name of a dedicated and deserving individual.
I have known Peek for four years now and can attest to her dedication to serving students. As a former member of ASFA council and former president of the Liberal Arts Society, I have worked closely with Peek on several occasions and know she is driven to improve the quality of student life at Concordia, and has never allowed herself to be motivated by conceit.
As an ASFA councillor, then as VP academic and advocacy of ASFA and as president, Peek always puts the students she represents first. Purposefully excluding her from the election sends the message that she is not fit to represent those students, a message which is simply false.
Tara Dominguez
Liberal Arts
Dear editor,
Arts and Sciences students should be deeply concerned with a contentious motion that passed at last week’s ASFA council meeting by just five votes. The motion was to elect an “alternate” person to represent ASFA on the Sustainability Action Fund’s board of directors, meaning I was not allowed to run in the election for the seat. This is an unprecedented and undemocratic practice that speaks to the personal nature of this motion.
This motion was presented alongside a slew of attacks regarding my actions as the current representative, and a number of the motion’s supporters sought to discredit me both in the student media and at council meetings. Council even chose to go into closed session to discuss the motion and would not let me stay to defend myself or answer any of the accusations leveled at me.
I am appalled at the way this matter was handled and shocked that a group of people would use a democratic forum as a platform for their own personal vendettas.
Audrey Peek