Quick Spins

Jake One White Van Music Rhymesayers Jake One lists his influences on his MySpace page as: DJ Premier, Pete Rock and De La Soul – all staples of the classic/underground New York hip-hop canon. Strangely enough, the producer hails from Seattle yet still manages to assemble a formidable lineup of rappers such as MF Doom, Prodigy, Freeway, MOP and indie/backpack rapper savior, Casual.

Jake One
White Van Music

Jake One lists his influences on his MySpace page as: DJ Premier, Pete Rock and De La Soul – all staples of the classic/underground New York hip-hop canon. Strangely enough, the producer hails from Seattle yet still manages to assemble a formidable lineup of rappers such as MF Doom, Prodigy, Freeway, MOP and indie/backpack rapper savior, Casual.
White Van Music is essentially the appropriation of a high concept mixtape – only with no concept. Despite the lack of theme, the album oozes personality from its assortment of emcees, skits and musical moments; see the highlights “Glow,” “Feelin’ My Shit” and “Gangsta Boy.”



People Under The Stairs
Gold Dust Media

If a taste-maker asserted that People Under The Stairs were the best indie hop-hop group ever – they would be 100 per cent correct. If a DJ told you he/she played their records so much they became inaudible from wear and tear – they’d be 100 per cent correct. If a person who knew a great deal about music noticed that PUTS had a bullet-proof aesthetic and had mastered their craft as artists – they would be 100 per cent correct. If a magazine article about Chris Portugal and Mike Turner stated they were authentic, funny, enjoyed BBQ’s on hazy L.A. nights and worked harder than any another other hip-hop duo – it’d be 100 per cent correct. Highly recommended.



Murs For President
Warner Bros.

Murs has been a fixture in Los Angeles’ indie rap scene for years. Thirteen albums deep, the only thing that has really changed is his label status, introducing the dirty word “majour.” One can no longer associate Murs with underground hip-hop, for better or worse. In the case of Murs For President, it’s worse – much worse. He unabashedly enlists the help of Will.I.Am on “Lookin’ Fly,” and Snoop Dogg on “Time Is Now.”
This is his ploy for mainstream appeal and perhaps him giving in to record execs who don’t consort credibility and artistry with profit and record sales. Murs should have “kept it real” as the cliché goes.


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