There once was an Owl who wished he could turn into an Eagle. He admired the Eagle’s grace, respect, and honour. All the other birds looked to the Eagle for leadership and never gave the Owl much thought; this act caused him to feel lonely and sad. While the Eagle soared along the yellow sun the Owl was forced to hide in the darkness of the night.
One day the Eagle landed on the Owl’s tree and asked for his help. The Eagle stated that there were humans planning a night attack on their wilderness and all the animals would be in danger. The Eagle needed the Owl’s night vision to lead the troops against the attack, the Owl agreed to help his fellow animals. At night giant machine trucks began their approach. The Owl quickly circled around them, signalling the location to his comrades. Eagles, Falcons, and Robins attacked by dropping their white payloads on the machines.
The humans quickly retreated and all animals in the forest rejoiced, the Owl was hailed as a hero and from that day every young bird wanted to be the Owl. However, the Owl was still not satisfied; he still believed his true destiny was not revealed to him. Once he came to this realization he thought it would be best if he left the forest to find his purpose. All the animals from the Great Trees came to wish him farewell. The Owl felt both happy and sad, he knew he was making the right decision, but he also knew how much he would miss his friends and family.
At Sunset the Owl left his old life behind and took to the skies. He wasn’t sure which direction he would fly in, but, he knew the answers to his questions were out there waiting to be discovered and he wasn’t planning on giving up until he found them. As he flew close to the yellow sunset the Owl began to smile for the first time in his life. This was the true beginning of his story.