Jan. 9
Wall Paper and Landscapes, Wilder and Davis Gallery (257 Rachel St. East)
Two exhibitions presented side-by-side. Craig Welch’s Landscapes takes your everyday idyllic vista and plows it over into the exact opposite. Barbera Kerr explores the cycles of creation, akin to the cycle of life, with Wall Paper. Through the display of chalk drawings in various degrees of assembly and deconstruction, Kerr depicts the cyclical forces of the creative process. Free.
Jan. 10
Uncalled For’s Trial by Jury, MainLine Theatre (3997 St. Laurent)
Jury duty calls boys and girls, but this isn’t your ordinary trial. Uncalled For Improv troupe mocks up the judicial system and adds some comedic flavour to the proceedings. Show starts at 9 p.m., $6 at the door.
Until Jan. 11
When I’m not Around, Articule (262 Fairmont West)
Artist Tamara Henderson won’t be presenting her work. Instead she’ll be represented by a simple sculpture, in an expo about the power of communication that seems to extrapolate from this quaint display. Free.
Until Jan. 31
Marginalia, Samuel Lallouz Gallery (1434 Sherbrooke)
Monika Weiss’ newest works are on display at the gallery. A series of drawing, performance video and instillation works are what Weiss had rendered in her homage to the characters, things and places that inspire her. Free.
All month
Hair Follies, FOFA Gallery (1515 St. Catherine)
Leisure Projects presents an expo marrying two related ideas in a tangled mess. The French word perruque holds a double meaning – while referring to wigs and decorative hairstyles, it also means using one’s time at work for personal pursuits. Both ideas scream light-hearted rebellion, and this expo is done up in attitude. Free.
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