
Window curtains hide what is not seen. Marble doors keep out what does not Belong. And it seems paper money shelters Us from our worries. The lighthouse on the edge of the street Dares us to ponder and get lost in our Wonder. The harmony of the beating heart Dares us to question the truth Of this life.

Window curtains hide what is not seen.
Marble doors keep out what does not
Belong. And it seems paper money shelters
Us from our worries.

The lighthouse on the edge of the street
Dares us to ponder and get lost in our
Wonder. The harmony of the beating heart
Dares us to question the truth
Of this life.

Close your senses and you will
Envision clarity not seen.
You will believe in tomorrow’s
Promise, something you can start

It is our dreams that make us reach
Farther than the doors and windows of
That block the waking world.
It is our dream that gives us hope
for a better future. It is our dream
That provides us a picture of our true reality.
I dare you to dream.

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