
Local News STM: more money for continued mediocrity The provincial government will be giving the STM $102.5 million in financial aid to help it buy new buses. The 410 new buses ordered by the transit company cost $205 million and will replace older, problematic models currently in circulation.

Local News

STM: more money for continued mediocrity

The provincial government will be giving the STM $102.5 million in financial aid to help it buy new buses. The 410 new buses ordered by the transit company cost $205 million and will replace older, problematic models currently in circulation. The old models stalled every 2,000 kms, when this should only happen every 6,900 kms, on average. STM officials say the new buses will be more reliable. Novabus, the Quebec-based company which built the old faulty models, will be building the new buses.

UdeM comes to Laval

The Université de Montréal will be opening a new $50 million-building in Laval near metro station Montmorency. The building will be financed by private construction firm Pomerleau, which will pay for the construction and 30 years of maintenance as long as the university pays rent. Expected to be open to students in September 2010, it remains undetermined which courses will be given at the new site.

Surprise! Jér

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