Former Astronaut Wins Concordia Medal

Dr. Roberta Bondar, PhD, was awarded Concordia University’s 2009 Loyola Medal last Wednesday. Dr. Bondar is the first neurologist to travel in space, and was recognized for her work in space medicine research. Dr. Bondar’s contribution as an astronaut helped advance research for stroke and Parkinson’s disease.

Dr. Roberta Bondar, PhD, was awarded Concordia University’s 2009 Loyola Medal last Wednesday. Dr. Bondar is the first neurologist to travel in space, and was recognized for her work in space medicine research. Dr. Bondar’s contribution as an astronaut helped advance research for stroke and Parkinson’s disease. She also gave a lecture on her experience in space after receiving the prize. The Loyola Medal is awarded every year to an individual whose “character, philosophy and contribution” has significantly benefited Canada’s heritage.

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