Get off your Arts

March 3 Gala Expozine Alternative Press Awards 2009 @ Casa del Popolo (4873 St.Laurent) Tonight’s the night: Montreal zines are in contention for the title and glory of being numero uno. Four Minutes to Midnight is nominated alongside Lickety Split, Place Montreal and many more.

March 3
Gala Expozine Alternative Press Awards 2009 @ Casa del Popolo (4873 St.Laurent)
Tonight’s the night: Montreal zines are in contention for the title and glory of being numero uno. Four Minutes to Midnight is nominated alongside Lickety Split, Place Montreal and many more. The night promises that Ed Fuller will be there as well as DJs.
Free Admission, 8 p.m.

March 4
Wald (Forest) @ EV 0S3-845
To commemorate the launch of metralab and Topological Media Lab, the Faculty of Fina Arts is holding a couple of free get-togethers this week. This one happens to be a ‘movement-directed, immersive dance performance’.
Free, 1 p.m., go to for more details
March 5
NO VOLVERAN @ Cinéma du Parc
From the barrios of Venezuela’s Bolivarian Revolution comes a documentary that puts Hugo Chavez’s Venezuela in plain site. The film follows workers picketing for change and greater nationalization while exploring the challenges already surpassed, as well as the challenges that lie ahead for these mobilized countrymen.
One night only, 9:30 p.m., $8 for students. Check out for more info.

March 6
Exiles @ Cinéma du Parc
It’s an old film, but it’s by no means a classic. Exiles has hardly seen the light of day since its first release in 1961. Kent MacKenzie spent three years on this film in the fifties, exploring the Bunker Hill district of L.A. and the diverse mix of impoverished people packed in there.
Check out for showtimes

March 6-8
2009 Zen Poetry Festival
“Forget the words!” is the theme of this year’s festival, ergo, it’s all about deeper meaning. Expect great poems fantastically delivered by some down-to-earth peeps from all across the land. Consider it therapy for the curious monk(ey) inside you.
Check out for details

March 7
Four Minutes to Midnight, Issue 10 launch party @ Lab Synthése (435 Beaubien West)
It’s a BYOB featuring the likes of Shortpants Romance, The American Devices, Little Scream and The Great Vowel Shift. The event, “Boredom is Counter Evolutionary” will also feature over 30 visual artists, poets and writers. Did I mention it’s BYOB?
$5 to get in or $13 with a copy of the issue, 8 p.m.

March 9th
Puncturing History’s Blindness @ EV-1.605 (1515 St. Catherine Street West)
A lecture with Carol Williams about her book, Framing the West: Race, Gender, and the Photographic Frontier in the Pacific Northwest, is being held as part of the 2008-2009 Speaking of Photography Lecture Series. The book talks about the use of photography to paint a ‘primitive image of aboriginals in need of colonial control and reformation.’
Free, 6:30 p.m.

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