Get off your Arts

Wall Paper and Landscapes, Wilder and Davis Gallery (257 Rachel St. East) Two exhibitions presented side-by-side. Craig Welch’s Landscapes takes your everyday idyllic vista and plows it over into the exact opposite. Barbera Kerr explores the cycles of creation, akin to the cycle of life, with Wall Paper.

Wall Paper and Landscapes, Wilder and Davis Gallery (257 Rachel St. East)
Two exhibitions presented side-by-side. Craig Welch’s Landscapes takes your everyday idyllic vista and plows it over into the exact opposite. Barbera Kerr explores the cycles of creation, akin to the cycle of life, with Wall Paper. Through the display of chalk drawings in various degrees of assembly and deconstruction, Kerr depicts the cyclical forces of the creative process. Free.

Apr. 8
Blue-light Burlesque @ Le Petit Campus (57 Prince Arthur E.)
Cabaret: the perfect date. Don’t think so? Then bring a good friend instead. You’ll love this sexy time! 7:30 p.m., $20.

Apr. 11-15
Evenings on the Environment @ Cinema du Parc (3575 Ave. du Parc)
Plastic, airlines, lakes, oil, agent orange: a close look at our nasty affect on things. One film each night plus Q&A with directors and producers. For more details check out

Two new expos @ Art Mur (5826 rue St. Hubert)
Guillaume Lachapelle uses metal and wood materials to creat miniature worlds that “speak of physical and psychological conditions” in en pure perte. Nadia Myre wants us to take a less anthropological look at aboriginal art, and criticizes language and critique in Landscape of sorrow and other new work. Free.

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