With Monty Python humour and raunchy innuendos, Fais Moi Plasir is a French comedy that will have you giggling from start to finish.
The film opens with Jean-Jacques (Emmanuel Mouret) and his girlfriend Ariane (Frederique Bel) laying in bed early one morning. Jean-Jacques wants morning sex, but Ariane wants to finish her book. In his sexual frustration, an eventual confession is made: he met a mysterious woman, Elizabeth (Judith Godreche), four days ago at a coffee shop and they are going to meet up at her place that evening. While hesitant at first, Ariane comes to the conclusion that he should sleep with Elizabeth in order to end his obsession and save their relationship. Jean-Jacques refuses the offer, but agrees to meet up with Elizabeth and tell her he’s not interested. Folly insues as Elizabeth turns out to be the French president’s daughter and a third woman enters the picture causing all three to compete for Jean-Jacques.
A memorable scene of slapstick humour involves a piece of curtain caught in Jean-Jacques’ zipper. The sequence nearly goes on for two reels, but never feels contrived or outrageous thanks to Mouret whose clownish farce animates the script’s banalities.
Although the plot seems outrageous, and it is by most standards, it is brilliantly executed in a way that only a French film can get away with. From its colourful intro to its Chaplin-esque set pieces, Fais Moi Plaisir sets out to please its audience. The comic timing is perfectly matched with performances to die for, especially by actor/director Mouret.
The ending, though tidy and upbeat, is unimpressive. It shows a lack of sophistication in the script, which is basically a melodramatic composition of gags.
The upside is the charm of the characters. The three women who try to steal Jean-Jacques’s heart unwittingly steal the audience’s as well. Played by fiercely talented actresses who bring sexiness and colour to their respective roles, especially Godreche as Elizabeth, they are the highlight of this comedy.
Fais Moi Plasir screens at Cinema Impérial on Thursday Nov. 5 at 7:30 p.m. and Friday Nov. 6 at 9:30 p.m.