University students like to congregate, it’s a fact of life. They appear in large groups on campus, at bars and at sporting events. H1N1 can be transmitted easily among students, but vaccinations are not being offered on campus &- they should be.
1) Recent scientific research has revealed that people aged 25 and under are at a higher risk to catch H1N1, most university students fall under this category. The World Health Organization is urging individuals in this demographic to seek medical attention immediately when experiencing flu like symptoms as they may react more violently to the H1N1 flu.
Because H1N1 affects university aged students more severely, then isn’t this a no-brainer? Universities should actively encourage their student’s to get the vaccination in keeping with WHO’s declaration.
2) Making students visit a random clinic is equivalent to asking them to go to Timbuktu. There are a large number of students from out of town. These students may not be familiar with certain areas of Montreal and may not want to travel great lengths from their homes to get the vaccine.
3) Many students from out of town are living on their own for the first time. These students don’t have the benefit of a caring family to convince them to get the vaccine. It is the responsibility of the university to fill this vacuum and act in the best interests of its students.
4) In a student’s mind, getting the shot seems like a burden. Inconvenience is the main reason why most students opt out of things. It is in a student’s nature to look for a simple alternative because they are more concerned with schoolwork and their social lives, and so the alternative will be to not get the shot. The university should make it as convenient as possible for students to get the shot.
5) Healthy young adults will become eligible for the vaccine on Dec. 7, which is right at the beginning of exam season. Most students will not want to take time away from studying for exams to go to a clinic and get vaccinated. If the shot was offered at school it would encourage the students to get the shot on their study break or after an exam.
6) Many students are wary about the vaccine in the first place, perhaps if it is given out in a familiar environment, it may persuade them to wait in line on campus as opposed to some clinic that is out of their way.