The Paperbacks
Lit From Within
(Parliamentary Trees; 2010)
At 32 tracks over two disks, the third full-length from this Winnipeg group is long. In fact it’s too long. There is no apparent reason for the double album, and no defining difference between the two sides.
While the band has found a slightly more mature sound on this outing, with tighter arrangements and darker lyrics, it still sticks to the same formula of bouncy punk-tinged Canadian indie pop-rock that they’ve stuck to since they began. It’s very Canadian, very Winnipeg, and apt to draw some comparison to the Weakerthans.
Nothing on the two disks really seems to stand out, there are no bad songs but then again there are none of the catchy refrains and standout tracks that appeared on their previous work.
Overall the second disk is more interesting and diverse with some surprisingly successful rock outs and the super mellow title track. But the majority of the tracks tend to blend together which can get boring. It’s good &- if you’re into this sort of thing, but it’s too much.
Trial track: “Slow Learners”