Breast cancer treatment in Ontario expanded on a conditional basis
The Ontario government is expanding access to breast cancer treatment. The Toronto Star reported Ontario will now offer “conditional” access to cancer drugs for those with small tumours when it can be shown that benefits will be derived from making the exception. In doing so, the province joins the ranks of Alberta, Saskatchewan, and British Columbia, where patients with small tumours have access to cancer drug Herceptin. The decision comes after the story of a woman who was denied access to the drug over the size of her tumour received widespread media coverage. Cancer patient Jill Anzarut had protested that she had been denied Herceptin because her tumour was less than one cm in diameter. Health Minister Deb Matthews had initially stated it would be wrong to change the rules of the drug approval process, but later reversed her position.
Note to Canadians: Stop watering your driveway
Canadians both appreciate water and unnecessarily waste it, according to a survey looking at our water consumption. According to the Montreal Gazette, a Royal Bank of Canada and Unilever- commissioned study found that 55 per cent of respondents said water is Canada’s most important natural resource. However, of the 2,066 Canadians polled, many also admitted they had wasteful habits like flushing objects like cigarette butts down the toilet to get rid of them, leaving the tap running while doing dishes and hosing down the driveway. Chairman of the Canadian Partnership Initiative of the UN Water for Life Decade Bob Sandford said the results showed that Canadians still do not make the connection between the need to conserve water and their personal use of the resource.
University of Regina Students in favour of continuing CFS membership
Students at the University of Regina have voted for continued membership in the Canadian Federation of Students. The results of an October referendum at the university polling students about the CFS were released March 11 without the consent of the student union, according to the Canadian University Press. The decision made by the CFS to release the results has unilaterally increased tensions between the federation and the student union. With 1,414 students voting in favour of continuing membership and 1,326 against, the margin of victory was narrow. The union’s board of directors had decided against continuing membership in the CFS in October.
Eau de Kessel, because the Leafs didn’t stink enough
You know what they say: if you can’t win a Stanley Cup, go into the perfume business. The Toronto Maple Leafs have announced they will be expanding their brand by releasing a men’s and women’s fragrance. According to the Globe and Mail, the woman’s scent, White, is wearable, if reminiscent of hairspray. Unfortunately for male Leafs fans, Blue apparently smells like cologne from the 1990s. With a price tag of $89.99 for 50 ml of the stuff, the perfume is bound to make a puck-sized dent in your wallet. However, $25 of every sale will go to the MLSE Team-Up Foundation.
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