Concordia’s Senate passed a motion on Oct. 7 mandating their academic planning and priorities committee to review the recommendations made by the external governance review committee which pertain to Senate. The APPC would then present a report to Senate at their November meeting in which they would recommend ways to go about implementing the EGRC reforms. Senate had previously endorsed the spirit of the ERGC recommendations at their meeting in September.
Fake Peter Kruyt accounts pop up on Twitter
A Twitter account claiming to be Board of Governors chair Peter Kruyt was shut down last week, but another has popped up in its place. Concordia reported the face account to Twitter within 24 hours of the account being brought to their attention, according to university spokesperson Chris Mota. A second account has been active since Oct. 2 under the handle Peter_Kruyt and currently has 34 followers. The accounts were created following the Board of Governors meeting on Sept. 28, when it was criticized by student leaders for reducing student representation on the governing body. Mota said the rumours that the university is considering legal action against the account creator are unfounded.
Ottawa to replace crumbling Champlain Bridge
The federal government announced last Wednesday that it plans to replace the Champlain Bridge within the next 10 years. The Gazette reported that the $5 billion new bridge will likely be funded by a toll system charging the tens of thousands of drivers who use the Champlain daily to travel between the city and the South Shore. Despite studies indicating that the 49-year-old bridge is deteriorating and would collapse in event of a major earthquake, federal Transport Minister Denis Lebel maintains it is safe to drive on. Lebel could not say when construction of the new structure is slated to start.
There goes the student vote
Coalition for the Future of Quebec co-founder François Legault sparked debate last week after publicly criticizing Quebec’s CEGEP system as a great place “to learn how to smoke drugs and drop out” at a Q&A session on the South Shore. According to CTV Montreal, the former Parti Québécois cabinet minister‘s comments incited reactions from CEGEP administrators, staff and students, who pointed out that CEGEP helps students make educated decisions regarding their career paths and better prepares them for university studies. Legault has shown interest in forming a political party and eventually running for premier of Quebec.
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