In the aeroplane over Wall Street
Occupy Wall Street protesters got a special treat last week when Jeff Mangum, former frontman for beloved ‘90s indie band Neutral Milk Hotel, showed up at Zuccotti Park for a surprise performance and free hugs. Mangum played some of his band’s most beloved hits such as “In the Aeroplane Over the Sea,” “King of Carrot Flowers,” and “Oh Comely,” much to the joy of the protesters. “Of course I support [Occupy Wall Street],” said the frontman of the weeks-long protest. “This is just something small I can do.” Talk of a surprise show was heard throughout the day, with Radiohead being the other
suspected candidate. “I never believed the rumour about Radiohead, Neutral Milk Hotel is a little more conceivable, but I didn’t believe this either until I saw it,” said 20-year-old Hannah Mohan, who heard Mangum’s set. “And this rumour first came from the info booth, which is a pretty reliable source.”
Think you could beat it?
In case you wanted to give Michael Jackson even more of your money, Las Vegas has just premiered its latest innovation – an MJ slot machine. Decked out with images of the King of Pop’s sequined glove and dancing shoes, the game comes with four high definition screens that display his music videos and allows the player to place bets. It even comes with a chair that vibrates to the music. The timing does seem a little suspicious though as the manslaughter trial of Jackson’s former doctor is in the news. Executives at Bally Technologies, the firm who developed the game, say that the timing was accidental.
Method Man sings a song of sour
Wu-Tang Clan member Method Man’s latest release is a song destined to go in the “WTF?” pile because it’s all about Cadbury’s Sour Patch Kids. “I’m excited to
be collaborating with Sour Patch Kids and telling the story of how they’ve gone all wrong,” said Method Man. “I love the steps that the brand is taking to keep it real and interesting, the whole campaign, and letting Meth be Meth-brilliant.” The song “World Gone Sour (The Lost Kids)” describes what happens to those candy kids who fall “on the wrong side of the snacks” and mirrors the plot line for the upcoming Sour Patch Kids video game “World Gone Sour.”
Are you ready for some politics? Apparently not…
In case you didn’t know, country star Hank Williams Jr. called President Obama and VP Biden “the enemy” and compared the former to Hitler on Fox News two weeks ago. This made Monday Night Football decide to pull Williams’ song “Are you ready for some football?” from last week’s show. Now his son, country/punk rocker Hank Williams III, says his dad, like most musicians, shouldn’t have even been asked to comment as they are “not worthy” of discussing politics, stating “The only person out there worthy of mixing political views and music is Jello Biafra.”
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