The Tea Party sells out to the Tea Party
With all the interest in the political movement known as the Tea Party going on south of the border, the Canadian band of the same name has decided to sell off its domain name,, to the highest bidder. The decision came after a BusinessWeek story about the movement led to a massive spike in interest in the domain name. Now the group has hired Sedo, a domain parking provider, to help them with the sale. A statement released by the band’s bassist Stuart Chatwood explained, “After being overwhelmed by the multiple offers that were arriving daily, we thought it was prudent to seek out the best brokerage to help represent the band.” “I can’t say what it will go for,” said Heather DelCarpini, Sedo’s North American marketing manager, “but I’ve seen a lot of conjecture on different websites and people are batting around seven-figure numbers.”
I doubt more plastic surgery would’ve done the trick
A simple ‘chin lift’ was all that was needed to save the life of Michael Jackson, according to anesthesiologist Dr. Steven Shafer, who testified for the prosecution in Conrad Murray’s involuntary manslaughter case last Wednesday. “Michael Jackson was trying to breathe, but the tongue had fallen in the back of the throat,” Shafer said. “Either a simple chin lift, just that alone, or an oral airway to move the tongue out of the way might well have been all that was required to save his life.” Shafer also said the King of Pop would be alive today if not for the 17 deviations Murray performed from the standard care required of physicians.
Taking out the trash
Despite not having released an album since their 2005 record Bleed Like Me, ‘90s alt-electronic band Garbage has decided to rifle through their dumpster of musical inspiration to produce what we can only hope will be anything but, well, garbage. The band, which is fronted by Scottish singer/guitarist Shirley Manson, blames record label troubles for their lengthy hiatus. “We got dumped on a label who did not give one flying fuck about us,” said Manson in an interview with Rolling Stone magazine. With true garbageman flair (excuse me, sanitation worker), their producer and drummer, Butch Vig, says they’re finished working with “people who suck.”
Both make demands worth considering
Maroon 5’s Adam Levine got into a Twitter feud with Fox News last week after hearing a clip of his band’s song play on the network, tweeting “Dear Fox News, don’t play our music on your evil fucking channel ever again. Thank you.” Fox News anchor Andy Levy shot back at the singer, tweeting “Dear @AdamLevine, don’t make crappy fucking music ever again. Thank you,” and later claimed on his show Red Eye that “if you go to iTunes and search under the category for ‘crap’ [Maroon 5] comes up!”
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