York whistleblower fired
York University fired whistleblower Ken Tooby, sources confirmed Friday, but would give no explanation why the university coordinator of investigations was let go. Tooby worked at the Toronto university for 23 years. Neither Tooby nor the York spokesman would comment on his dismissal, the Toronto Star reported. He was one of several staff who revealed questionable practices in labour relations, contracts, disappearance of university property and use of outside consultants starting in 2009. A forensic auditing firm after the problems surfaced revealed a possible fraud of $1.2 million between 2007 and 2010. The Toronto Police Service is currently conducting a fraud investigation. No one has been charged yet.
Freedom of speech restricted on Canadian campuses?
Freedom of expression may be under attack at Canadian universities, according to this year’s RightsWatch conference in Calgary. Charlotte Kingston, the former University of Calgary student union president, pointed to incidents on university campuses such as Memorial University of Newfoundland denying a pro-life group the right to become a club in 2007 and backlash over a speech by American right-wing commentator Ann Coulter at the University of Ottawa being cancelled. Kingston suggested that these are examples of how universities can misunderstand their role in maintaining the right to freedom of expression, according to the Calgary Herald.
Electric Courage, anyone?
A new app created by a University of British Columbia graduate is set to be a game changer, in that, students hope it will up their game. Social app “Electric Courage” shifts the action at a bar or pub online to a real time “Flirt Wall.” Patrons check into the app, then can post a flirty message on the public wall to see if the person that caught their eye is interested, the Ubyssey reported. If the person that caught their eye reciprocates, there is the option of a sending a private personal message – without exchanging phone numbers. A couple of UBC watering holes already have their own “Flirt Wall,” but users have the option of adding new locations that don’t yet have their own.
Zombies can love too
Two horror lovers took the opportunity to get married at the Toronto Zombie Walk this weekend.
Walk organizers Thea Munster and Adam Pearson tied the knot in front of friends, family, and the undead about an hour before the ninth annual walk began. The couple first met at a horror convention, after which point Pearson started helping out with the walk. Pearson also asked Munster to marry him at the zombie walk. The bride, painted in black and white skeleton makeup, was carried down the aisle in a black wooden casket by six pallbearers to meet her werewolf groom. When they kissed, Munster also bit a chunk of fake flesh off his face, to groans and moans of approval from the audience, QMI Agency reported.
Know Your Rights: Rent increases
The HOJO launches clinics to educate students about rental increases.