It’s time to get yourself heard
CJLO 1690 AM is looking for you to approve a nine-cent fee levy during the Concordia Student Union byelection on Nov. 29, 30 and Dec. 1.
As many of you know, we ran for a fee levy last semester but we came up short. What you might not know is that we were the victims of a flawed process and your democratic voice was lost as a result. We are running again to correct that wrong.
Due to the neglect of the CEO supervising the last election, students didn’t have access to correct ballots or information on our proposal.
Had you had access to our reasons for running, this is what you would have heard:
CJLO is currently aired on 1690 AM. Due to the technical limitations of AM, the sounds of Concordia’s students can’t be heard downtown. We have a plan to correct that: voting ‘yes’ will lead to a new FM signal that would serve downtown, bringing CJLO to all of Concordia’s students and residents.
This signal would concentrate on the downtown core, bringing you the best in local music and an opportunity for your voice to be heard by the entire university. This signal will also remain ad free.
If you vote ‘yes,’ CJLO will continue to purchase new professional-grade recording equipment that any student can use, no matter what class you’re registered for.
CJLO is committed to bringing your voice and the voice of local artists to our city’s increasingly commercialized airwaves.
Stephanie Saretsky, CJLO Station Manager
Brian Joseph, CJLO Program Director
Real-life TV heads may have caught your attention roaming Concordia’s campus this week. This attempt at 3D TV is no joke, these TV heads want you to know that CUTV is YOUR TV.
Students’ concerns deserve more attention in our media and this is why we want to become the first REAL campus-community channel in Quebec.
To help us make this much needed TV channel a reality, we need your support on Nov. 29-30 and Dec. 1. VOTE YES for CUTV, here’s why:
In the past year, CUTV’s content has exploded. From almost no regular programming, the station now has six weekly shows on topics as varied as news, arts and culture, comedy, food and sustainability, music and independent film. All this student produced content has made us the biggest campus TV station in the continent.
In expanding its programming, the station followed two strategies. The first was to offer an uneditorialized look at campus politics as a tool for increased transparency and accountability at Concordia. CUTV has also broadcast news from all the levels of governance to keep students as informed as possible.
The second strategy was to exhibit the beautifully diverse artistic and cultural communities that make up Concordia. CUTV has helped countless groups on campus promote their groundbreaking work.
On campus, CUTV has helped improve the political culture at Concordia. The CSU Council Livestream Project was the first of its kind in student politics globally. The livestream has become the official archive of the student union and decreased student apathy significantly. This innovative project gave students the means to demand the same access to all governing bodies at our university. More recently on the province-wide Day of Action against tuition hikes, CUTV sent more than 100 “Dear Charest” video letters to Quebec politicians. These letters portray what students think of the hikes. This campaign ranked in the top 50 most viewed channels on YouTube, Canada wide.
In arts and culture coverage, CUTV is acknowledged as the hope of the English community to showcase its diversity. Groups like the English Language Arts Network of Quebec and the Quebec Drama Federation are partnering with CUTV on special projects and endorse our application for a TV broadcast licence.
Help CUTV broadcast media that represents YOU. We want to amplify YOUR content on our airwaves. Under the CRTC, we have a right to it, so VOTE YES!
Laura Kneale, Station Manager, CUTV