Haiti needs you!

Photo by Nav Pall
It has been two years already— two years since a devastating earthquake struck the impoverished country of Haiti, killing tens of thousands of people and injuring millions more.
On the morning of January 12, 2010, many people said goodbye to their loved ones for the last time, not knowing that they would never see them again. The earthquake that struck Port-au-Prince that day was the most devastating natural disaster the country had ever faced. In a matter of seconds, a whole city turned to dust. The quake left millions of people homeless, multiplying the debris in the streets, and thousands of children were orphaned. And as if that wasn’t enough already, the country was struck with a deadly wave of cholera and suffered famine in the aftermath.
Montreal has one of the largest Haitian communities in North America. So although the earthquake struck almost 3,000 kilometers away, many people here in Montreal were directly or indirectly affected by it. Many lost family members, lovers, and friends.
The reconstruction efforts continue, but there is a lot left to do. This is why Concordia’s Ralliement Étudiant Haïti-Canada (REHC), is hosting Haiti Rise Up, a fundraising show happening Jan. 20, 2012, at the Oscar Peterson Concert Hall at the Loyola Campus.
“We still have hope that things will get better,” said Josée-Sarah Cadet, REHC’s VP Public Relations and Haiti Rise Up’s event coordinator. “The show is really about promoting our culture and really showing support for Haitians, and contributing to the rebuilding efforts of Haiti.”
This is the second edition of the annual fundraiser, but this year’s show promises to be quite different from the last. Artists will be coming from all over Montreal to donate their time and perform for a good cause.
“Some of them are graduates, some of them are students here at Concordia,” said Cadet. “We also have people from UQAM, someone from Broadway Academy in Westmount.”
“It’s versatile, especially compared to last year, which was a lot more just singing, and plus it was all just Haitian artists, this time we take any culture, anyone who wants to help and contribute in any way,” she added.
This year, attendees can expect everything from dancers and poets to musicians and singers.
Last year, REHC raised a total of $5,375 in donations. This year, the organization wants to match their previous efforts. For those who won’t be able to make it to the show, donations can also be made at the CSU’s office, at the Dean of Students’ office at Loyola and SGW campus, and at the REHC’s downtown office at any time. There also are donation days at the mezzanine, where the REHC will be waiting with donation boxes.
All the money raised will be given to Save the Children, an organization that has been working in Haiti for over 30 years.
“Right now, REHC focuses on education in Haiti, but what that includes is also rebuilding schools, enrolling more students, paying the teachers, because without the teachers you don’t really have education,” explained Cadet. “We decided to do it that way first, because we’re a university and we know the importance of education. Secondly, it’s not a short-term goal, it’s a long-term one, but we know it’s for the better.”
Rise Up Haiti is taking place Friday, Jan. 20, 2012, at Concordia’s Oscar Peterson Concert Hall and starts at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $20 for students, and $25 for non-students. VIP tickets can also be purchased for $50 and include a cocktail with live music display at The Hive. To get your tickets, visit www.admission.com, drop by the REHC office at 2150 Bishop St., suite K-202, or the CSU office in H-711, or the Dean of Students’ offices, H-637 and AD-121.

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