Months of construction coming to Guy-Concordia

This spring will see major changes to the tunnels connecting the Guy-Metro (GM), Henry F. Hall (H), J. W. McConnell (LB), and Engineering, Computer Science and Visual Arts Integrated Complex (EV) buildings.
Photo by Navneet Pall
Photo by Navneet Pall

The university plans to add more lighting and signs, as well as remove the tiled ceiling in the metro area and install a massive back-lit Concordia University logo paid for by the Quebec Ministry of Education. The renovations, one of the first stages of a university-wide signage and branding program, start in March and will take place at night between 1 a.m. and 5:30 a.m. when the metro is closed.

Simultaneously, the Société de transport de Montréal will be shutting down and overhauling Guy-Concordia’s water-damaged St-Mathieu entrance. To handle the extra traffic, turnstiles are soon expected to be installed at the Guy St. entrance, which will become the only direct way in and out of the metro for several months.

Photos by Navneet Pall

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