Confusion and calamity plagued the March 14 Concordia Student Union council meeting, with accusations and resignations being tossed around with the chair trying to maintain order.
The meeting got off to a poor start when VP advocacy Morgan Pudwell was accused by former CSU councillor Tomer Shavit of not being a registered student. Pudwell left shortly after, citing illness as her excuse. Chair Nick Cuillerier said he would investigate Shavit’s claims within the next 48 hours.
Following a closed session discussion of labour negotiations, council motioned to go into closed session again to hear a complaint brought forward by judicial board member Nadim Kobeissi.
Among the outcries of discontent at another closed session, Shavit declared that he would not leave the council room and demanded to know whether the JB complaint affected him personally.
Shavit went as far as to say that council would have to forcibly remove him if closed session were to be declared.
CSU President Lex Gill encouraged everyone present to remain calm, saying that no such measures would be taken.
“I would rather see this meeting adjourned than see security called on [Shavit],” she said.
It was decided that the JB’s complaint would be heard in open session. Kobeissi was visibly uncomfortable as he stated his case concerning fellow JB member, Shannon Thomas.
Kobeissi stated that Thomas’ behaviour towards him had been “insulting,” and “passive aggressive,” making him feel unwelcome at JB meetings.
He went on to say that Thomas showed signs of “incompetence” and that he was driven to make this complaint “out of desperation.”
Thomas, when given the right to reply, said that she had not seen this coming and that she was “shocked” that other members of the JB were in support of Kobeissi’s sentiments.
Gill explained that it was not for the CSU to decide how JB should proceed from this point, and discussion returned to the agenda.
Shortly after, Kobeissi was given the opportunity to speak once more, informing the room that he had officially submitted his resignation to the JB.
This leaves only three members on the JB, which is in the process of handling the complaints of CSU executive candidates Schubert Laforest and Lucia Gallardo, who have been disqualified from the elections by the CEO. Both were in attendance at the meeting.
the minimum agreement was discussed in open session. labour negotiations
were the agenda point going into closed session. please correct.
Even more proof that student unions are unfit to govern themselves. These unions must be held accountable for their irresponsible actions that resulted in loss of business and damage to the city.
There are in fact 4 people now on the Judicial board.
also other members of the JB were not in support of Kobeissi’s sentiment…another member was and she did not speak out.