Falling apart at the seams
People always joke that Montreal is falling apart, but an eight-by-twelve block of concrete collapsing is no laughing matter. The city’s Olympic Stadium has seen its fair share of structural mishaps but, this time, the concrete slab hit the parking lot several hundred metres from the building. On Sunday, a chunk of concrete was dislodged and came crashing to the ground because of nearby construction in the area. Government officials confirmed that the stadium itself was not affected and no one was injured in the incident.
St-Mathieu exit to close
Guy-Concordia metro station’s St-Mathieu exit will be closed until Aug. 26 so that many of the exit’s features such as concrete slabs, floor and wall coverings, staircases and lighting systems can be upgraded. Guy-Concordia is the third busiest metro station in Montreal, with over eight million passenger rides recorded in 2011. The station will remain open, but only the Guy Street exit will be available to commuters.
Dawson strike vote postponed
Amid allegations that college administrators have “interfered” in the democratic process, the Dawson Student Union postponed their strike vote, reported Canadian University Press. DSU officials are upset that a university administrator emailed the ‘No’ committee to inquire as to how prepared they were for the strike. More than 1,500 students turned up to a special general assembly on Thursday evening, which was set to take place in a cafeteria with the capacity for 500 to 600. (The quorum for special GAs at the 10,500-strong CEGEP is just over 500.) Instead, Dawson students will vote in a referendum on Tuesday. Last week, other anglophone CEGEPs like Vanier, Marianopolis and John Abbott Colleges decided to not strike or not hold a strike vote.
Finals coming up for candidates for JMSB dean
Two open meetings that will see each of the two shortlisted candidates compete for the position of dean of the John Molson School of Business have been scheduled. Steve Harvey, associate VP, research and dean of the Williams School of Business at Bishop’s University and Michel Magnan, professor and Lawrence Bloomberg chair in accountancy at JMSB, will compete on March 7 and March 13, respectively. The one-hour long meetings will allow each candidate to make a 15-minute presentation and answer questions from the audience. Both meetings will run from 12 to 1 p.m. in H-110. The previous JMSB dean, Sanjay Sharma, resigned a year ago to take a position at the University of Vermont, Burlington, that paid nearly $320,000.