Concordia University’s student pub, Reggie’s, is revamped and ready for the grand opening on Thursday, Sept. 6 in an effort to attract more clientele.
Renovations were made during the month of August in order to spruce up the popular university bar. CUSACorp, the Concordia Student Union’s for-profit subsidiary that manages Reggie’s, approved a total of $12,000 for the renovation budget.
Ramy Khoriaty, Reggie’s business manager, said repairs include fresh paint, new decor, black lights and booths in an effort to modernize the bar.
“We painted all the walls, we took out tables,” said Khoriaty. “[Before the renovations] it was dangerous because security couldn’t get around them.”
As most of the overhaul was completed by Khoriaty and volunteers, including CSU’s VP finance Keny Toto, CUSACorp spent a total of only $6,500 to refurbish Reggie’s.
However, renovations are not the only changes in store for the campus hangout.
CUSACorp experienced trouble generating enough profits to break even with Reggie’s 2011-12 losses which accumulated to more than $40,000. According to Toto, it was the worst year for Reggie’s since 2008.
“We’re not only changing the appearance – some of the staff are being changed, the managers are changed,” explained Khoriaty.
Khoriaty told The Concordian that the Board of Directors decided to hire new bartenders and managers for the upcoming school year since there were issues with the staff in the past.
Tory Forsyth, who worked at Reggie’s for more than three years as a bartender, said that she was not informed of the reasons behind CUSACorp’s decision to not renew her contract.
“Every year, the board is allowed to hire or not hire whomever they want,” said Forsyth. “I was let go about a week ago.”
Khoriaty is aiming to improve the bar’s morale by building up a faithful clientele and a responsible management even if it means a raise in prices.
“There will be an analysis on prices. We’ll take into account the price of bartenders, busboys and what we sell every night,” explained Khoriaty. “If we don’t make enough, prices will have to go up.”
As for new patrons, Reggie’s hopes to attract those who do not study exclusively in the Hall building.
“We want our bar to be nice,” added Khoriaty. “Maybe now John Molson [School of Business] students will come here.”
Sean Thomson, a JMSB undergraduate student, says he agrees with this strategy.
“I think that if Reggie’s is redone, it would probably attract people,” Thomson said. “I would definitely be interested in taking a look at what they’ve done.”
Renovations to the bathrooms are projected to be completed before Thursday but are not done yet, according to Toto.
“It would probably cost between $2,000 to $3,000 total for bathrooms and the back area,” he said.
Reggie’s opening night is part of the CSU’s orientation to welcome new and returning students. A Bal en Blanc themed party will be taking place from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. and the first hundred guests will receive one free drink.