Club Date Piano Bar gives a whole lot of character to Montreal’s karaoke scene. As you step inside you’re immediately dazzled by the spinning disco ball and sweeping lights. On stage, belting out the sickest Janis Joplin impression you’ve ever witnessed, an MC entertains patrons against a rainbow curtain backdrop.
Located in the Gay Village, just steps from Beaudry Metro, Club Date is open to friendly folks of any persuasion and level of vocal talent. By day Club Date is a cozy bar to come in for a boozy chat, but every night at 11 p.m. the karaoke begins.
Scattered throughout the bar you’ll find massive binders with karaoke song lists that include songs in English, French and Spanish. While the song list may not be the most up-to-date, you’ll find the unforgettable classic tunes of Bob Dylan, The Spice Girls and Coldplay; making your night as chintzy and fun as possible. The crowd here is so laid-back and friendly that you’ll be climbing back on the stage for more. If you’re the shy type, however, the bar is quiet enough to simply have a beer and chat with your friends.
Unlike karaoke bars in the heart of the downtown area, you won’t have to squeeze for room or shout at the top of your lungs. Club Date, even on a Saturday night, is the perfect place for a casual date. You can’t get more romantic than a serenade!
The drinks here are pretty averagely priced with $5 for a pint of beer, $17 for a pitcher, $3 to $5 for shots and $7 for mixed drinks. Daytime drinkers enjoy reduced prices. If there is one major complaint, however, it is that the mixed drinks are disappointingly tiny and come in fist-sized glasses. Also, the beer on tap is pretty low-grade fare, but it does the trick if you need a confidence boost to get onstage.
The staff, on the other hand, are a major plus. They are extremely friendly and energetic, and as soon as I sat down to watch the karaoke performers a waiter came to see how I was doing. When the Joplin-impersonator MC stepped off the stage to step out for her break, she stopped by the table to give a friendly hello. Club Date is definitely a place to get close and warm with each other.
Between the campy vibe, the vivacious people and the low-key atmosphere, you’ll find plenty to love at Club Date Piano Bar. It’s certainly worth the trip to the village!
Club Date Piano Bar is located at 1218 Ste-Catherine St. E.